Clifford's Life Coaching vs. Therapy

The Life Change Room is different from traditional therapy. I am here to help you find your true inner happiness, and live your best life.

What sets me apart?

Below is a brief explanation of how my coaching process is uniquely effective.

Who Does it Work For?

Traditional Therapy
Works with patients
Traditional Coaching
Works with clients.
Clifford's Coaching
Works with clients.

What does it do?

Traditional Therapy
Diagnoses mental illnesses and attempts to deal with identifiable conditions in a person by treating symptoms.
Traditional Coaching
Turns problems in to challenges and seeks solutions.
Clifford's Coaching
Identifies the root cause of the problem and creates a new paradigm within the client, solving the problem and creating new choices.

How Does It Work With Emotions?

Traditional Therapy
Takes for granted that emotions are a sign that something is wrong and are therefore to be avoided
Traditional Coaching
Assumes emotions are natural and looks for ways in which to utilise them better
Clifford's Coaching
Assumes emotions are natural and looks for the INTENTION and PURPOSE for the expression of those emotions

What Questions Does It Ask?

Traditional Therapy
Asks the question WHY?
Traditional Coaching
Asks the questions WHY, HOW and WHAT?
Clifford's Coaching
Asks the questions HOW, WHAT and WHAT IF? Asking WHY reveals reasons and not results. WHY gives us more content and not the structure or the process


Traditional Therapy
Generally works with a person’s past and the traumatic events therein, and seeks healing of those events.
Traditional Coaching
Works with a person’s present and works to help them create a positive future.
Clifford's Coaching
Works with a person’s present and provides the tools to empower a person to create the future they desire (Realizes that in order for the client to create the future they want, the obstacles from the past need to be processed)

What Type Of Relationship Does It Maintain?

Traditional Therapy
Defines a Doctor-Patient relationship (where the doctor has the solution)
Traditional Coaching
Defines a partnership of equals. (Coach presents alternatives but client ultimately determines their own solutions)
Clifford's Coaching
Defines a partnership of equals. (Teaches client, shows clients how to empower themselves to find and implement their own solutions.

The Technicalities?

Traditional Therapy
Has the perspective of a “broken” person, and somehow has to be fixed.
Traditional Coaching
Focuses on action, outcomes and process; remembering that a person is perfectly capable of their best performance and only has to get in touch with those capabilities. (Coach will highlight and encourage the client to focus on actions and outcomes)
Clifford's Coaching
Focuses on action, outcomes and process; remembering that a person is perfectly capable of their best performance and only has to get in touch with those capabilities. (Acknowledges that focus is required and then equips client to create lasting focus)


Traditional Therapy
Generally through conversation, encourages the patient to talk about and thereby resolve the pain. Requires reliving pain and symptoms to get rid of them.
Traditional Coaching
Coach would help the client explore new ways of thinking, new ways of looking at things.
Clifford's Coaching
Helps client to discover the process by which they prevent the achievement of goals and objectives. Equips client to adopt new processes and internal strategies to achieve desired outcomes.


Traditional Therapy
Is about fixing the client by understanding and fixing his past.
Traditional Coaching
Is about understanding the past as a framework for the present and encouraging clients to consider new ways of creating a better future.
Clifford's Coaching
Is about understanding the past as a framework for the present, processing it and equipping clients to create a desired future.


Traditional Therapy
Relies on a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual to diagnose pathology. Operates in a medical or clinical manner.
Traditional Coaching
Remember that Coaching is a model of learning and discovering potential which focuses on the future and its achievable goals and outcomes.
Clifford's Coaching
Remembers that Coaching is a model of learning and discovering potential which focuses on the future and its achievable goals and outcomes.

Time Consumption

Traditional Therapy
Generally, because of transference, the therapist will not talk much about himself.
Traditional Coaching
When appropriate the Coach share much about his experience which is vital to learning.
Clifford's Coaching
When appropriate the Coach share much about his experience which is vital to learning.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Traditional Therapy
Doctor targets a diagnosis for the patient and then puts forth his training in diagnosis and treatment of disease and then offers a path to healing.
Traditional Coaching
Coach aligns mentally with the client and then through a discussion identifies the challenges, then provides coaching to move beyond them to create wins. In the process, the client is responsible to achieve the outcomes. I realise that the client ALWAYS has control over his/her results.
Clifford's Coaching
Coach aligns mentally with the client and then through a discussion identifies the challenges, then provides coaching to move beyond them to create wins. In the process, the client is responsible to achieve the outcomes. I realise that the client ALWAYS has control over his/her results.